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With the Wiki being transferred to the new software, we ask Wiki Editors to NOT make any changes to the current Wiki.
This is because we're going to sort out all the duplicates, inaccurate information and properly tidy the wiki up, but we can't do this if we have to go over other editor's work. We ask that you please be patient as the software is fixed/updated and let the Kameo discord server sort it out properly.
Kameo: Elements of Power has a lot of Lost Lore that has a drastic impact on the story. Part of the Lost Lore was added into Kalus' Wiki of the Elemental Stand incident and there is a lot more content to add as well, that paints a much darker tale overall.
Because we want to bring you the most accurate lore for this Wiki, we ask that you please be patient, and in the meantime, join the Kameo discord server, as we have plenty of fun content to keep you busy until then :)
Just Updated
I am beyond excited to have this feature up and running so soon, and even more excited for the plans for this wiki!
If you have been here in the past, you may have noticed that there wasn't that much information, and this is no one's fault, as finding any info on this game (especially the lore!) was a bit tricky.
With all the new changes, I am so excited to share my discoveries with other fans, with the discord and now the wiki!
I also want to announce that there is a Kameo discord server, and I highly recommend that fans check it out! We have all of the lore there and are working to transfer it to the wiki, but in the mean time, feel free to have a look!
It's also important to know that this server is role protected. This means that when you join the server, it will look blank. All you need to do is tell our bot Meepo what role you want, and you have access to the server!
We're absolutely looking forward to more fans joining, as the server grows bigger and bigger every day!